Simulation of radiation field inside interplanetary spacecraft

Published in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (2020)

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Abstract: A simulation of the radiation field inside a habitable module (a diameter of 6 m and length of 12 m) of a spacecraft generated by isotropic Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR) in deep interplanetary space is carried out for minimum and maximum solar activity using the FLUKA code. Protons, alpha-particles, deuterons, $^{\mathrm {3}}$He, and nuclei with ${Z} > 2$ are considered as primary GCR irradiating the spacecraft isotropically. The following particles are included in FLUKA radiation transport through the module shell ($15\hbox {g/cm}^{\mathrm {2}}$ of Al): protons, neutrons, $\gamma$-rays, electrons, $\pi^{\mathrm{\pm }}$-mesons, $\mu^{\mathrm {\pm }}$-mesons d, t, and nuclei from He to Ni. The inner particle spectra are needed to assess the astronaut’s radiation risk in a long-term interplanetary mission.

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